Department of Mechanical Engineering
Particle Engineering - People Contact

  Research Group

August 2019
(top row, left to right) Chester Jar
, Maximilian Aisenstat, Mellissa Gomez, Reinhard Vehring, David Barona, Hui Wang;
(bottom row, left to right) Zheng Wang, Mani Ordoubadi, Nicholas Carrigy,  Shabab Bin Karim.

Principal Investigator

Dr. Reinhard Vehring


Dr. Vehring is a Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of Alberta and holds the George Ford Chair in Materials Engineering. He graduated with a diploma in Mechanical Engineering from the Gerhard Merkator University in Duisburg, Germany, and received a doctorate from the University of Bochum in the field of molecular spectroscopy on microparticles. Dr. Vehring has held positions in academia and industry advancing aerosol science and particle technology for more than 26 years. Before returning to academia, he worked on pulmonary delivery of peptides, proteins, and small molecules at Nektar Therapeutics and was part of the team developing Exubera, the first inhalable insulin. Subsequently, he developed solid dosage forms for virus vaccines, monoclonal antibodies, and oncology therapeutics at Medimmune, and supported FluMist, the first nasally administered live attenuated influenza vaccine. Dr. Vehring was the lead inventor for the cosuspension formulation technology which is used by Pearl Therapeutics to develop metered dose inhaler based therapeutics for respiratory diseases. At the University of Alberta, Dr. Vehring directs the Particle Engineering facility focusing on advanced micro and nanoparticle design and analysis.

Contact Prof. Vehring

Project Manager & Research Associate

David Barona

Research Associates

Hui Wang
Shital Bachchhav
Mellissa Gomez
Isobel Tetreau

Graduate Students

Maximilian Aisenstat
David Barona
Shabab Bin Karim
Mani Ordoubadi
Zheng Wang

Previous Members: Students, Postdocs and Research Associates

Maximilian Albers
Mehdi Azhdarzadeh
Alberto Baldelli
Michael Bennett
Pallavi Bhambri
Nicholas Carrigy
Allen Feng
Paul Finlay

Jeffrey Fong
Morgan Gwin
Roberta Hunt
James Ivey
Chester Jar
Junseob Kim
Laurence Kuan
Yushan Liu

Alvin Ly
Sadaf Matinkhoo
Reegan McAllister
Omar Melhem
Leanne Milburn
Tarek Mohammad
Chelsea Morin
Luke Oberhagemann
Saman Shamsaddini
Hajar Sharif
Farzin Shemirani
Sören Stritzel
Jonathan Suderman
Jordan Titosky
Kira Toxopeus
Alex Wong

Administrative Assistant

Luba Slabyj


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